Limited Mediabook Edition from Anolis Entertainment!
Aspect ratio: High Definition Widescreen (16:9 1,66:1) 1920x1080p
Audio format: German/English DTS HD-MA 2.0 Mono
Subtitles: German (can be faded out)
Length: 79 min. (24fps)
Bonus: Audio commentary with Dr. Rolf Giesen / Audio commentary with Uwe Sommerlad and Volker Kronz / “Shadow Play” - featurette on “Shadow of a Cat” / “Hammer's Women”: Lucy Bolton on Freda Jackson / “Catmotifs” - David Huckvale on the film's score / “Shadowing the Cat”: an interview with Peter Allchorne and Yvonne Blake / British theatrical trailer (recut) / US TV spot / German publicity blurb / film programs / picture gallery.